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Friday, January 28, 2011

I can still fit in my Wedding Dress?! ... Just not so well

April 2007 - High School Graduation

In high school I was as healthy as could be, and it came naturally. I played tennis and consequently lifted weights and worked out on a daily basis. Almost all my meals were homemade, and the level of stress in life was at its lowest. 

In 2007 my weight was right around a 125 pounds. I felt great and was happy. Through most of college I was able to maintained that wait without much effort. I was working like a maniac and going to school downtown, so I got a great daily exercise of walking around Denver from school to work and vise versa.   

November of 2008 - Mexico

In 2009 Donald and I got engaged, and wed shortly after. While Donald was traveling for work, I was running between school and my three jobs, which meant I had no time to sit around and couldn't afford to eat out, so I dependent on my parents to feed me. My mother is all for healthy food and homemade meals, hence I was always eating healthy!

On our wedding day, my dress that had been tailored to fit me like a glove was actually slightly loose, which was a little annoying. However, I'd rather it be a little loose then not fit into it, so I was happy and healthy!!!

November 20th, 2009 - Our Wedding  Day
For our First Anniversary, Donald and I went on a cruise to celebrate and I too my wedding dress as one of the formal dresses. When I tried on the dress for our anniversary dinner, it fit but very, very snuggly. In fact, it was so snug that I couldn't wear the corset underneath it.

I consumed way more food on my wedding day than on the cruise, however there is a definite "pudge" in the second picture. One of my friends mistook my "food baby" for a pregnancy bump!!!

November 22nd, 2009 - On the Cruise for our
one year anniversary 
I've never had to deal with watching what I eat, but apparently I have outlived my days of a high metabolism and have to start watching what I eat as well as working out to stay in shape. I've never believed in a given diet or a weight loss program, however I do believe in eating healthy and losing more calories then you take-in in order to lose the unwanted weight.

So there you have it! Starting tomorrow (January 29th 2011) I will post everything I consume throughout the day as well as what I do to try and burn calories!


  1. I will be the 1st to comment :) I totally agree and have been thinking the same thing...How in the heck do we keep up with slowing metabolism? I guess pay a lot more attention to calories and how active we are. :P It's exhausting! Oh to be 16 again...-Lindsay F

  2. Linds, I'm right there with you. I'm tired of struggling to fit into my jeans :-( at 16 the struggle was to keep them from falling off ;-)


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