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Thursday, October 18, 2012

Friday Letters

Another Friday down. What the heck is going on? I can’t believe it’s practically Halloween. It seems that the year just flew by, and I SWEAR it was just yesterday that I was buying Christmas Presents for 2011… I am not ready to do it all over again.

Dear Cleaning Lady thank you from the bottom of my heart for my sparkling house! It has not been this clean since the day we closed on it, and it was brand new. My stainless steal appliances are sparkling, my floors are spotless, my bathrooms are high end hotel quality and my shower stall looks like its been replaced. Thank you, thank you, thank you! You rock! AND it’s literally the best money I have every spent. Dear Lilly, thank you for sleeping through the night, and not getting me up at 3 am so you can go potty and growl at the wind. Dear Tina, thank you for listening and being so awesome. You make Arizona much nicer. Dear Dad congrats on the promotion and the raise, you totally deserve it. Dear Mom, I’m sorry I don’t call and Skype you every single day, it’s been really busy on this end. I still love you. LOTS. Oh and I’m sorry I got snappy with you yesterday. Dear Colorado, I MISS YOU. LOTS. Maybe, I think we should set up a date to meet soon. Dear husband, thank you for cleaning out the garage last week. Since today is your day off, can you work on the backyard and maybe clean up the patio? Yes? That would be fantastic. Thankya. Dear blog, I’m sorry I’ve kind of abandoned you. Seems like I’ve been a little busier then I thought. Don’t worry, I am not armed with a planner, todo lists, ShootQ and some other awesome organization tools. We’ll find time to be together. PROMISE. Dear March, I’m kind of very excited to meet with you this year. It’s going to be awesome. 

It’s Okay Thursday


It’s been a while since I’ve linked up with Neely for It’s Okay Thursday. So here I am, on this beautiful Thursday afternoon. Sitting in my unorganized office, while someone else cleans my house, writing about what I think is OKAY.

Its Ok Thursdays

It’s completely and totally OKAY…

… that I am paying someone else to clean my floors, and bathrooms, and appliances and counters and so on. It’s totally worth me spending the money for someone else to make my house look pretty, so that I can spend more time doing things I love, and being productive.

… to crave a latte every morning, and totally okay to give into buying a latte every morning. That $4.00 a day is not going to make me rich.

… to have just ordered several items from Lulu and not feel guilty about it. Good quality and cute workout clothes are a must. And it’s also okay to justify the high price tag by the fact that these items will last me several years.

… to want to photograph women all day long, and to want to make them feel beautiful.

… that I have to get fully dressed, down to my shoes and put on make-up and do my hair to be productive. Even though I work from home.

… that I have 10 pairs of boots, and still want more. A girl can never have too many boots.

… to plan a girls trip to Country Jam.

… that I love country music and husband doesn’t, even though he’s from Texas and I’m not

… to travel alone. I plan on taking 48 hours every year, and going to a new city that I’ve never been to before, and just wondering around photographing all day long. Honestly, traveling alone is maybe one of the best medications anyone could take

… to choose to be happy, no matter what’s going on in our lives.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

On Finding Passion


I finally found something I’m passionate about, and it makes all the difference in the world. When selecting a career path at the age of 17 and applying to colleges, having very limited experience in the world, I thought that psychology would be my calling, and not only would I love my job, but I would make lots of money. It turns out, psychology was not my calling. In fact, I hated it. I hated it so much that it didn’t matter how much money I could make.

So after $60k, two years of working for free and an awful lot of biology and chemistry, oh and a piece of paper that states I have a BS in Psychology. I decided that it really wasn’t for me. Instead I picked up a camera, and honestly it wasn’t love at first sight and I never thought I’d want to make a career of it.

Through the years, my camera became my best friend, and I grew to love the beauty that I could capture. I realized that when I look through a lens I see a different world, and I like it. However, I did not realize my passion for photography until I encountered Sue Bryce and feel completely in love with her beautiful images.

People are my passion. Specifically women.

While I love capturing the smile of a newborn, the glow of an expecting mother, the happiness of a family. What I love above and beyond this, with undying passion, is making women look and feel beautiful.


Every woman, no matter their age, size, and personal opinion about themselves, is beautiful. AND they DESERVE to have beautiful portraits of themselves. Not simply to feel beautiful for one day, but as a reminder that we are all absolutely perfect the way we are.

Finding your passion should be the first thing you do, before settling for a career. Without passion the days are just long and the weekends not long enough. I’ve found that since, I came to my revelation and discovered what I really love to do, my days have been much more exciting and productive. Not only while I work on my personal photography but also in my 9 to 5 job, my home, relationship and life in general.

Believing in and loving what we do is the only way to live. I find that while I’d like to make lots more money, and could find a job that would pay me twice as much as I currently make between Chimpsy and photography, I love where I am in life and wouldn’t trade it.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Where is home?

For the past six months I’ve been trying to adjust to the fact that I know call sunny and hot Arizona my home. And still refer to my beautiful Colorado as my true home. However, I caught myself calling Armenia home just the other day when a client asked how my trip was and I answered with “there’s no place like home.” This last conversation really made me wonder what a home is and how we define it.

The conclusion I came up with is that home isn’t really just one place, home can be anywhere and almost anything. A home can even be a car, a spouse, a child or a pet. Home is where we’ve left a part of our hearts and in return received a part of someone elses.

I have many homes, and I enjoy traveling between them, and knowing that I am always loved and welcomed there. I have a home in Armenia with my grandmothers, cousins, and aunts. I have a home in Colorado with my parents and brother and friends. I have a home here in Arizona with my husband and Lilly. These are just a few of the homes I have.

Everywhere we go, we leave a part of our hearts, we forever give a part of ourselves to that place, that person, that thing, and they forever give a part of themselves to us.

I find myself liking the idea that my home is truly anywhere where I choose to be happy and where I have loved. Sometimes, I find myself feeling the most at home on the road, in my car with Lilly. Sometimes, it’s sitting across a dinner table from husband. Other times its talking to my dad over the phone, or chatting with my mom over Skype. And yet other times it’s having lunch with my grandfather at our favorite Panera.

Home is where our heart is. Home is being with the people we love. Home is where we choose to be happy and create memories that last a lifetime. 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A Day to Remember and Celebrate Life


Today marks the 11th anniversary of September 11th, and the 28th birthday of my dear husband.

I was in 8th grade, walking into my homeroom class. I remember looking up at the TV and thinking it was some kind of a movie preview. To this day I cannot wrap my head around the amount of hatred in this world, and what leads people to commit such acts of violence. In all honestly, I don’t think I will ever understand it.

Today, I’d just like to say thank you to those that rushed into help, for those that gave up their lives, and for all those that stood up to fight terrorism across the globe.

As a nation, we’ll never forget 9/11, however we’re able to heal and move on. Today, my parents are getting on a London bound flight to go visit family in Europe. Today, they fly with full confidence that nothing will happen, however they too remember the significance of the day.

Today, D turns 28. It was his 17th birthday 11 years ago. He remembers what he wore, where he parked his car, and what he did that day. I don’t think he will ever have another birthday that sticks in his head as much as the one 11 years ago did.


Today, I’ll remember all the victims and heroes as well as their families. Today, I will think about my parents and check on their flight as they make a 10 hour flight across the ocean. Today, I will celebrate my husband’s birthday with  a taco bar and a Batman cake.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Well Hello Internet

It seems that this little blog of mine has taken the backseat as other things unfold in my life. Life has been hectic and this poor little blog got ignored for a while but I think I’ve finally found the time to be back at it.

I’ve been doing a lot of back and forth between Tucson and Denver lately, and as a matter of fact Lilly and I are getting ready to head back to Denver on Wednesday. I’ve also been spending some time turning half of my house into a photography studio, working with some fantastic women to put together several events that will start up in October and hopefully keep on going. AND working away at Chimpsy, getting things ready for the big lunch of our Aspiring Pro program. It’s going to be epic!

I wanted to pop in and say hello really fast, and let you all know that I’m doing good, just busy and that I will be back tomorrow with some more exciting stuff.

For now, I’ll leave you with a few of my favorite shots from this past week and weekend. If you want to see more, head on over to the Facebook page and the website!

Ashley 09 2 01 Megan 101 Bri 1

01 - Jen 3 ZA

Hope you all have a wonderful Monday!

Monday, July 23, 2012

A Senseless Killing

I haven’t had the energy to put all my thoughts in order regarding the terrible events in the city that I grew up in, in a movie theater that I went to. This one hits closer then Columbine for me, as I moved to Colorado the year of the Columbine shooting.

I woke up on Friday morning, and grabbed my phone to check the weather and the news. When I read that there was a shooting in Aurora it didn’t even cross my mind that it was Aurora, Colorado until I saw the next article which stated the name of the state.

The AMC 16 was just down Chambers Rd from the house that I grew up in. The theater and the mall are about a 15 minute drive from my childhood home. And while as teens and young adults we preferred to go to the newer movie theaters built on the south side of town, we’ve seen quite a few movies at AMC 16.

I can’t even explain the numbness that I’ve been walking around with. My mother-in-law texted me that one of the victims was once a student of hers, a sweet girl who wanted nothing but to help others. Another one of the victims (Alex Sullivan) was a year younger that hubs and graduated from the same school. While D said that he had not knowing him personally, he had crossed paths with him in high school. What’s even sadder is that I knew his wife. Not closely, we went to school together, so I knew of her and had spoken to her a few times here and there. Sad smileThey were getting ready to celebrate their 1st year of marriage, and some idiot loner decided that he would take it into his own hands to stop these newlyweds from a wonderful life together.

This is the video from, of the initial court appearance of the jackass who doesn’t seem to even care that he is more than likely to be faced with the death penalty. Thank God Colorado still has capital punishment as an option.

Personally, I believe that the death penalty is too simple of a get away for this asshole. However, I don’t believe that he deserves a life in prison that we would have to pay for with our tax dollars.  

My heart goes out to all the victims, their families and friends. I’m heartbroken that I cannot be in my community doing something to help those in need.

Please hold your loved ones close, tell them you love them and make sure that you don’t go to bed mad. We never know when a psycho like this will decided to end more lives.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Dear Friday


You must really be joking me as there is no way it can actually be Friday already?! AND I guess technically it is still Thursday, but for most of the world it is in fact Friday. On top of it it’s the 19th of JULY! Is anyone else seeing the time zoom by. I seem to have a to-do list that is longer then the hours in the year, and I feel very unaccomplished these past few weeks. Should probably revisit my goals from last the beginning of the month.

Dear Lilly, you gave me a heck of a time this week. First I come home to you having devoured a whole bag of sandwich bread. Then that same night, you decided that it would be a really good idea to jump on mom and dad’s bed and PEE on it. Really bug? Is this what we have taught you? Dear Time, please slow down. I need to catch my breath. Dear Leia, I love you for kicking my butt. Even know my butt is literally sore and I am loving being back at the gym and having some guidance as to what I need to do. Dear Photography Clients, thank you, from the bottom of my heart for the repeat business and for all the referrals. You guys rock and be advised that I will be starting a referral/repeat customer program that you will LOVE. Dear photographers who give out digital negatives, please stop. It’s really hurting the industry and not doing anything for your sales or reputation. Just think of all the people re-editing your photos and then getting them printed at Wal-Mart. Terrified yet? Dear Leia, thank you for the pep talk the other day, while my butt was getting kicked. You got to know that you are worth it!!! It’s helped a lot this week. Dear Husband, I’m sorry that you hurt your finger yesterday while trying to do laundry, and NO a hurt figure is not an excuse to never ever ever do laundry again. Dear Colorado, I will see you in 12 days! That’s right, I’m counting down. Dear Bed, you are calling my name, BUT there’s a discussion that needs to be done for school.


Finally, Dear Weekend be kind to me. I’m on call all day Saturday and Sunday. Let’s hope for good weather and no issues in ANY of my cities.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

8 Fears


Sometimes life takes you by surprise, and this month is taking me by surprise for sure. I can’t believe that today is the 18th of July! Holy COW where does time go?

I have another full week in AZ and then off to Denver I go. In fact two Wednesday’s from now, I’ll be either in Colorado or very close to being in Colorado. It all depends on the driving and the dog.

Keeping up with my 10 Days of me Challenge, here are 8 of my greatest fears.

1. Losing my husband or anyone else I love. None of us are immortal. BUT boy do I wish we could all be vampires and sparkle and live on forever. How cool would that be? I have a very real and at the same time irrational fear of losing someone close to me, including Lilly the dog. I sometimes will try to imagine my life without them, and will randomly start crying. It’s that bad.

2. Cancer. I’m not so much afraid of dying as I am of cancer. I fear it above all other deadly illnesses. You would think I’d be better about getting annual check ups and such with this fear of mine, however I’m even more afraid of someone telling me that there is something wrong with me or my test results are abnormal.

3. Spiders and anything else that crawls, creeps, slithers and so on. HATE them. We kept finding black widows in our back yard and front porch and I swear I was having nightmares about waking up to one dangling above my head. ARGH

4. Disappointing/Letting down people. I don’t know if this is really a fear, but I hate it. I know sometimes I end up doing it anyways, but I simply can’t stand it. I like to make people happy.

5.  Losing my wedding ring. I know I’ve talked about getting a new ring, and how when we got mine, it’s really all we could afford and so on. BUT I do love my ring for what it stands, and what it means to me. I’d never trade it in for another ring (as in I would not get rid of it, I’d just wear it on my right hand or something). BUT I have a fear of losing it. For example, I usually leave it at home if I’m going to be lifting weighs, and every time I look down at my hand I am terrified that I lost it.

6. Car accidents scare the living daylight out of me. When I see one, I always start to visual how it happened and then start thinking of what one had to do, then start putting myself in that position. And then I have to distract myself by something else otherwise I’ll probably end up in an accident myself.

7. Sick babies. I am terrified that my children will be born with disabilities or deformations. AND I know this is going to get me some hate mail, BUT if I knew that my child would have disabilities/deformations/life threatening illnesses, I would abort my pregnancy (if I still had the chance). I feel very strongly about bring a child into this world who would not have the same quality of life as a healthy baby.

JUST A NOTE this is my personal opinion, my personal choice, and my body. My husband feels the same exact way, so please don’t preach to me how wrong it is. If you don’t agree, then lets just agree to disagree.

8. Not being good enough. This goes in all aspects of my life. I’m afraid that I may not be a good enough daughter, granddaughter, wife, friend, sister, dog mom and future mom. I am afraid that I am not a good enough employee, and a co-worker. Or that I’m not a good enough student or a photographer and so on.


There you have it. My 8 greatest fears.

What are you afraid of? How do you cope with these fears?

Sunday, July 15, 2012

I’m going home!!

I feel like you can never have too many homes. For example, our home is here in Arizona, but I consider Denver home as well, since I’ve grown up there and my family is still there. However, my first real home has and will always be Yerevan, Armenia, and I get to go back in two months and 3 days.

My Dad called me this morning, as I was reluctantly getting up at 6 AM to take Lilly out and feed her, to tell me that he was booking my ticket. This was great news, as we wont have the money to pay for the ticket until later this month, and the price would have most likely gone up. Now, I just have to get my name fixed in my passport and pack my camera!

The sad part is, that I’ll only be in Yerevan for 3 full days, then leave for London and spend another 3 there before heading back home to Denver, and then flying back to Tucson. I cannot wait to see my grandmothers, and my aunt, cousins and above all my adorable new niece.

So today’s Sunday Social questions are perfect for me and my travel mood.

Sunday Social


Best trip you've ever been on: It’s really hard to pick one trip that was “the best” as each trip I’ve taken has been unique in its own way. There have been a few trips that have just been awful. BUT if I had to pick one trip that was the best, I’d say my last trip to Austria with my brother. We were just flying through Vienna on our way to meet family, and had a 12 hour layover. We got into Vienna at about 6 AM and the city was still asleep. So we walked around the streets of downtown, hung out in a park for a little while, then when the city started waking up we got some breakfast at a small little coffee shop right on the street of Vienna. It was the shortest 12 hours I’ve spent anywhere, and it was a great time with my baby brother. I think it’s where our relationship really solidified into the one we have today, from the kiddy/bickering one we had before.

Best idea for a girls weekend trip: My beautiful friend Katy and I always talk about a spa trip out of town, but have yet to find the time to do it. Maybe we’ll go to Scottsdale when she comes to visit. Personally, I’d love to spend a weekend in a spa, sipping on margaritas and enjoying the company of beautiful friends.

Best idea for a couples trip: Hands down an all-inclusive beach vacation. Mexico is ideal. Especially when there is lots of alcohol available, no need to drive and the beautiful ocean steps away. We’re actually working on a trip in November for our anniversary and talking our friends on coming along. I don’t think they really need lots of convincing. Smile 

Best vacation on the cheap: Humm, staycation?! Haha. We’ve found some amazing deals on Groupon for getaways! My in-laws celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary this year, and we got them a deal off of Groupon for Las Vegas. They loved it!!! We’ve also managed to do a trip to Vegas with flight, hotel, food, and entertainment for under a $1000 for the 4 days!

Place you most want to visit: A better question is a place I don’t want to visit. I’d love to go to Paris once every season so I can photograph it in all of it’s beauty. However, my current “want” is to go to Belize, the diver’s paradise!

Vacation/Travel necessities: This is a good question. I use to be a complete overpacker and would take everything under the sun. In the last few years, I’ve been able to really narrow down what I really need on a trip. For example, my trip to Armenia, I’m going to take my camera gear and a small carry on with my clothing, and this is what I’ll most likely include:

  1. Camera body, prime lens, zoom/telephoto lens, flash, CF cards, and other minor gear
  2. A dress, something that can be dressed up or down
  3. Pair of jeans, usually something that’s a little bit more loose and comfortable
  4. A pair of comfortable flats
  5. Sunglasses
  6. Toothbrush
  7. Facewash
  8. Sports bra!!!!
  9. Phone
  10. Laptop

The end!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Dear Friday…

I cannot believe you are here. What is going on?! Where did my week go?


Dear Lilly I really don’t appreciate your whining every single morning at 6 AM sharp, especially when my back is as sore as can be. I do appreciate your snuggles thought, after you’ve been let out and realize that you are NOT getting me out of bed. Dear husband, thank you for letting the dog out this morning, and for making delicious dinner tonight. Dear baby Matthew, thank you for letting me get a few good shots of you, even though you kicked and screamed and hollered the whole time. AND then fell asleep as we gave up on you.

01 ZA

Dear baby Logan, thank you for actually posing for me. Who knew that an almost two week old could be such a great model. We’re going to have lots of fun for your six month and one year photos!

02 ZA

Dear blog friends, thank you for being here, for supporting and inspiring. Dear Sal Cincatto where have you been all my life? Thank you for giving me a good business lesson and sending me on my way to success. Dear Lightroom 4, are you worth the $79 upgrade from Lightroom 3?

Office colors & It’s Okay Thursday

I am not really sure where time is going, but I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, it’s flying. I’ve got too many things to do and not enough hours in the day.

This week has been full of work, changes to the photography biz, and workouts. Yes, you heard right, this lazy butt is back in the gym. AND it’s very evident in the way that I walk hobble around.

I think I’ve finally decided on the colors I want to do my office in, and might have even found furniture for it all. Along with artwork and so on.

Here are the different color set’s I’m considering:

salted tones'bathroom?

tiled hues

Here is the bookcase I am thinking about. I also found a plain black writing desk and a file cabinet.

Home Carson Adjustable Shelf Horizontal Bookcase - Ebony Black


And here are two of the photos I’ll have printed, mounted and framed.

Black and white bridge  ZA  no parking ZA 

So what do you think? I’d like to incorporate a little bit of red into the colors buttt not too much. So I’m thinking the print may be all I have with red in it. Let me know your thoughts!


And now to move on to It’s Okay Thursday

Its Ok Thursdays

It is totally and completely okay that I had a slice of tuxedo turtle cake with my tea last night. If you haven’t had tuxedo turtle cake (from Fry’s/Kings Soopers) you are missing out. It’s life-altering. SOO GOOD.

It’s okay that I’ve decided to change out my selling structure for my photography biz. It’s scary not knowing how clients will react to it, but as a business I need to go in a different direction to ensure that I can pay my bills.

It’s okay to be stern with co-workers, even though I feel guilty. BUT come on, if you want to take on a new task, you better do it 100%, not call me and expect me to do your job for you. It wastes my time. I’d rather just do the task myself, and not sit on the phone for 2 hours giving my input.

It’s okay to be super excited about my trip back to Colorado in two weeks time!!!!

It’s okay to have drank a whole pot of tea by myself. What can I say, I love tea.

And it’s totally okay to be incredibly in love with my hubs and dog. It may be a little ridiculous the things I do and say, but at least it’s all out of love.

Hope you all are having a wonderful Thursday. I’ll be working my tail off today with lots of Chimpsy things to do and a newborn shoot late on this afternoon.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

9 Loves!

Happy Hump Day All! It’s now officially the second Wednesday of July! This past weekend was my grandmothers 80th Birthday and as well as my mother in laws birthday (not quite 80 yet). I’m a little sad that I’m so far away from my grandmother, and this July 8th, marks 5 years since I’ve seen either one of my grandmothers. I plan on making a trip out to Armenia in September. Keep your fingers crossed that it doesn’t cost me an arm and a leg, and possibly my first born child.

To continue on with the challenge, here are 9 loves!

1. First and foremost I love my husband, more than anything in the world. He drives me insane sometimes. He also makes me so bad I probably shoot sparks out of my ears. But I love him through it all.


2. My family. This is a no brainer. I could list out every single one of them individually, but that would be cheating. I have the best family ever. Really, my parents and brother are my best friends. There is no way around it. I tell them everything and know everything. I love them to the moon and back.


3. My Lilly Bug. Of course she gets her on point. I don’t know what I’d do without her around. She keeps me sane.


4. Good food and friends. I don’t know anyone who doesn’t love good food and good company.

Christmas Tea and SconeElina

5. SHOES! If you know me even a little bit you totally know and understand this.


6. Reading. I love love love a good book, almost more than anything else!

03 b

7. A good glass of wine and my hubby’s margaritas. You have not tried a good margarita until you’ve had one of my hubby’s creations. Let me tell ya! This man can make a mean margarita!!


8. Cooking. This one doesn’t really warrant an explanation. I love food, therefore I love cooking.


9. Photography.

01 c ZA06 ZA



I love lots of other things, but these are the first nine that popped into my head.

Hope your Wednesday is filled with lots of love Smile

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Sunday Social–TV edition

Hi Sunday, you’re here again and this weekend, unlike the last I am not on call. Which means that yesterday, I actually got to enjoy my day. I’m once again up at the crack of dawn, because Lilly thinks that it’s the perfect time to go out a pee and do a bit of surveillance work around the backyard. She doesn’t realize that mom likes to sleep in, and has decided to never ever ever let me sleep in again.
Today’s Sunday Social is all TV. Now, if you know me in real life, you know that we’re not huge TV people. We love movies and certain shows, but paying for cable is really not for us. We had cable for a little while, and paid $200+ a month for it and never really used it. So we turned it off, and haven’t missed it sense. It’s cheaper to watch our favorite shows on their site, or through my dad’s dish subscription online, or just go out and buy the season on DVD and have it to watch on our own terms.

That being said, here are my answer.

Sunday Social

This Weeks Questions:
Favorite TV show of the past?
Favorite show of the past would have to be Sex and the City. I never really watched the whole thing when it first came out but a few years ago, I got the whole collection and I love just popping it into the DVD player and watching an episode here and there. I love looking back at the style and seeing how it’s changed over the years.

Another one would have to be House. I just love the sarcastic, asshole personality of Dr. House.

Favorite TV show currently?
Game of Thrones has got to be the best show out there right now. We love it. We’re also loving Suits and Burn Notice.

Which Reality Show would you NEVER do?
Any of them. I never got into the whole, let’s watch other peoples lives. I read about them here and there so I know which ones are out there. BUT really, what’s the fascination with sitting on the couch and watching other people live their lives. I’d rather be out there living my own life.

Which Reality Show would you LOVE to do?
Again, reality TV is not my thing. BUT if someone was going to pay me to do a reality show, I wouldn’t say now. And honestly, wouldn’t really care what it was about considering I’d be getting paid. That being said, I totally do not blame the likes of Kim Kardashian and Snooki for milking the reality tv industry.

TV personality/character that you feel is most like you?
Hahaha. Hubs and I were just talking about this. It’s got to be Donna from Suits. Hubs said that I’m just missing the read hair and the ability to raise just one eyebrow.

TV character you'd want to date?
Humm, this is a good one. Harvey because he’s practically my husband just with a law degree.

Hope you all have a great Sunday.
We’ll be cooking, cleaning and getting things done today. I start my next class tomorrow morning, and I can’t tell you how much I am not looking forward to having school work again. But got to do what I got to do.
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