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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Is it really August?


Can you all believe that it is truly August! The last official month of Summer. Honestly, I’m glad summer is almost over. While we have had a pretty mild summer… and I know some of you, have been toasting … I’m ready for Fall.

I want the cooler temperatures and pretty colors. I also want to be able to get into my car and not burn my tush on the heated up leather. OUCH!

August is a pretty significant month in our household. The 13th marks the Misters and my first date! The 20th marks the day we bought our first car as a couple. And there are a few more important days, that my brain cannot remember currently.

So here is to my little goals of the month!

Goals for August

There you have it. I’m trying to keep them simple so that I actually get to them and get them done.

What are your goals for the last month of Summer?!


  1. I want to start meal planning again.
    Possibly do an overnight with Frank.

    I can't believe it's already August. Where has this year gone to?

  2. girlfran, i feel you on the sleep and work out goals. mine are right up their with yours :)


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