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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Wednesday Wants

It’s already Wednesday and what a week its been! Today, especially when I realized that I might have just wasted the last 2.5 years taking biology classes, when I could be halfway done with my masters, but more on this later. Right now I want to share last nights productivity with y’all.

After getting done with tutoring at 4, I headed over to King Soopers (our resident grocery store) to pick up some ground beef, cheese and tortillas! As I was rummaging through my purse to find my credit card, I came across an expired Kohl’s Cash Sad smile. With the thought that I just lost the $30.00 on the Kohl’s cash, I started walking to the car, only to remember that there is a giant Kohl’s store next door. So I dropped off the groceries and ran inside, just to see if I could redeem my very expired coupon.

Well guess what?!!! Kohl’s is awesome, at least this one was! They redeemed the $30.00 and gave me an additional 30% off!


So I ended up getting the above little number for free, plus a scarf and a new belt! I say that’s a pretty big WIN!!!!

I got home and did my 3rd run of my Couch to 5K. Which felt fantastic, after a week. I have three more to go this week. Then it was time to make some dinner.
Taco bar
I made a taco bar, which is my all-time favorite dinner to go to. I just cook up a pound of ground beef with some of my favorite taco seasoning, cut up fresh tomatoes, red onions, lettuce, get some grated Mexican cheese and you are pretty much ready to go.
Sometimes I get really fancy and actually make some pico, and cut up more toppings for the tacos. However, I was pretty exhausted last night, so we made do with lazy tacos!
Tacos for Dinner
They were delicious! 
On to the Wednesday Wants, and my sob story!
1. Graduation!!!

I want to graduate already.

*Sob Story* – as I was sitting in my awful chemistry class today, I realized that I have a very slim chance of passing the stupid thing, which happens to be the only obstacle between me and my Bachelor of Science in Psychology. (Please do not ask WHY in this world I chose a BS degree… because there is no way I could give you an answer that makes sense). Anywho, I got up and left with another half an hour left to go, and headed upstairs straight to my advisor who was in the middle of losing her mind. NOW, I’ve got seven different appointments set with all kinds of advisors and department heads and teachers to see what we can do to switch my degree from a BS to a BA and have me graduate in the Spring.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, keep your fingers crossed for me that the advisor for the Bachelor of Arts in Psychology will wave the one class (History of Psychology) so that I can graduate on time.

2. Harry Potter Hardcover set

Now my inner nerd is coming out! I love reading, and Harry Potter was one of the first books I read. My absolute favorite is Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban!!! While I have all the book, some in paperback and some in hardcover, this set would be perfect to put on a shelf … minus the box, it’s kind of ugly!

3. Bright Colored Bars

I am drooling over the new bright colored lacy bras that I’ve seen around! I am also pretty obsessed with sheer top and bright bra combos! I think they look hot! Winking smile.

4. A trip to my beautiful Armenia

Even though I was born in Russia, and lived all over the world, my heart belongs in the beautiful Armenia. The small Christian nation surrounded by the Muslim Middle Eastern countries, has so much culture, tradition and history to offer that you could get lost in it for years. I am an Armenian at heart and always will be. I’m hoping to visit over this coming summer to see my family, especially my aging grandmother.

5. A resolution to the awful disaster and nuclear problem in Japan

This is the worst natural disaster our world has seen in 2011, and hopefully the last. My thoughts are with those who are suffering, who have lost not only their homes but their families and friends. I hope that as a world we can come together to help these people get back on their feet and of course resolve the problem of the nuclear reactor that is threatening to blow at any moment.
So that’s all FOLKS!!!
Q: What are your Wednesday wants?

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